Featuring the World Famous LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump Quoteimizer:
Three Anti-trumpisms selected just for you, for your Perusal Pleasure.
(click to refresh with more randomized apropos 'commentary';
and see the One‑Line Auto‑Refresh and The 300 – I Am Spartacus List below;
there is also a great video to watch, as well, "Below the Law", toward the bottom;
AND DO NOT miss the Day of the Orange, November 11, below, too)
Satire and Parody
are Protected
Freedom of Speech
and Expression
even if the Object of
the Satire or Parody
doesn't "get it."
– Al Franken
Freedom of Speech
and Expression —
What a Concept.
– U.S. Constitution
'Laughter is
The Best Medicine.'
– 'Anonymous'
LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump
is a
Grim Political Hack,
Woe-Is-Me NincomPoop,
and a
Bonehead Lunatic,
Bless his Heart.
• Extree [sic], no extra charge: (an Auto-Refreshed Anti-trumpism on a 15 second interval)
We must tell you, a lot of people tell us a lot of people are saying these things, and everybody's talking about it. Many of them are just what we had heard. Believe us, we wish it wasn't true. In all fairness, most have never been seen before, ever. To be perfectly honest, most of them are probably pretty apropos. But you know, It is what it is.
Please note that, besides being Insanely Hilarious, many of the Adjective and Noun descriptors, independently and/or in accompaniment, are Obviously True, some are suspected to be true, some are probably true, and others are just for humorous enjoyment. For example, "raping" and "rapist" — Benedict DonOLD was found GUILTY of Sexual Abuse and Rape in a Civil Court of Law at least once. (according to objective analysis and interpretation as reported in many newspapers) And same / similar for some of the others that seem "extreme". AND NOW (as of May 30, 2024) Benedict DonOLD IS an honest-to-gawd CONVICTED FELON and Absolute Criminal, hopefully soon an actual CONVICT — Lock–him–UP! Lock–him–UP!! Lock–him–UP!!! (Praise Be) Saul Goodman.
• And how about a Hunnert more Anti-trumpisms? Feck it! Make it 300!!!
The 300 – I Am Spartacus List
You might find one that strikes yer fancy, yet. Resonates, even.
(sadly, all of the Anti-trumpisms displayed above also refer to too many, if not most, of the
"republicans" and 'conservatives' around today (ONCE-gop))
It has come to our attention that:
Hyper-RINO Sh!tMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trumPSYCKO &
all of his Hyper-RINO maga-CULT-trumpTrash ONCE-gop gQp
"republican" 'conservative' Sh!tMonkey supporters and followers are
ALL Fascist UNpatriotic UNamerican Anti-America
Anti-Constitution Anti-Democracy Treasonous Traitors,
Domestic Terrorists, and Racist, Sexist, & Xenophobic
White Supremacists & White Nationalists.
(many, if not most, are also Fanatical Xtian FundaMENTALists, as well)
Because you ARE KNOWN for the company you keep. (as well you should be)
This also includes people who do not actively, vocally, and vociferously
speak out against LOSER–Benedict DonOLD, et al.
They give the term Republican In Name Only (RINO) a truly nasty meaning.
A better moniker would be CULT-Republicans.
All Real & True Republicans and Conservatives DESPISE them ALL.
See our Sister-Site: TooOld.net
for more humor, satire, commentary, and Anti-(LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump) Meme-ish Imagery.
• You may Contact BenedictDonaldTrump.com, if you absolutely must.
• Here is some LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump Meme-ish Imagery specifically apropos to this site. Click on them to see the large image. See more on our Sister-Site: TooOld.net
Hail the United Reich! Right? Right??
I called it right (correctly) in 2017. — I even got the DATE right. — #JFC
Join in the fun. — Suggest an APROPOS Adjective, &/or a Noun, &/or a phrase,
to be added to our voluminous List of Descriptives:
You may enter more than one word or phrase separated by commas, spaces, or your favorite delimiter.
(We cannot guarantee that they will be added, but we will take them under consideration;
all submissions are given FREEly by the submitter without any expectation whatsoever)
Thank you to those who made suggestions. Some were already being used, & some were added.
There are currently over 1,500 Adjectives, over 1,000 Nouns, and a YUGE handful of stand-alone
descriptive phrases of note, consequence, and humorous effect, the latter intentional and otherwise.
We, The People, are under attack. As is our beloved country, the United States of America. Including some of our most cherished institutions and fundamental founding concepts, such as The Rule of Law, and the U.S. Constitution itself.
But our enemy did not come from overseas (or from the South, although they both do also exist and warrant concern). And they are not Muslims. Our enemy was already here. Most of them are self‑proclaimed so‑called "Christians". They are not foreign enemies, they are Domestic Enemies. Not only have they shown their true colors, they fly them shamelessly. They are easily recognized.
The ONCE-gop GQP "republicans" and 'conservatives' (hyper-RINOs) (and some others of their ilk) only needed one resource in order to achieve and maintain seeming control of our country, and we surrendered it to them without a fight. Make no mistake, the occupation of our government is rooted in moral compromise.
Comprised of men and women — Lost Souls, who have sadly convinced themselves that the only way to survive is to sell out and join the enemy, that the treasons they have committed against their own kind and their country are justifiable. That they had no other choice. Others seek corrupt greed and power lust, sometimes criminally, and at all costs, without ethical concerns, responsibility, or accountability.
Without this resource, without their collaborators,
Sh!tMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump,
his quisling confederates, minions, accomplices, and associates, his maga‑CULT‑
supporters, and their parasitic nasty‑occupiers of Congress and other seats of state and
local governance, cowards and liars ALL, would be powerless.
We are the architects of our own oppression. But we all have the power to disarm the enemy, to starve them of the collaborators they need. We only need to UNITE!, behind The Wall of our absolute righteous decency, and all that America truly stands for, always has, and always will. (not the FALSE America the enemy is attempting to create via self‑destructive devastation and ruination in the attempt to take us down with them)
We now find ourselves at a time when collaboration becomes one of the greatest of all sins, requiring the most stringent reprisals for this heinous act.
If you collaborate – you 'die'. (as in, 'you are dead to me/us/America')
They shall wither away in their own myopic asininity. They shall be sidelined, 'ignored', marginalized, shunned, and ostracized at every opportunity. Their hideous "thinking", ideas, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors shall decay and putrefy and no longer be condoned or ignored, or be normalized in any way, shape, or form.
They shall be spoken out against vocally and vociferously, without compromise or apology. ZERO Tolerance! They shall be shouted down and not allowed to spread their ugly mind‑filth. Or be allowed to cement their effectively evil manifestations in Reality. No quarter given, and shown only the barest of mercies they barely deserve.
Their infantile, childish, juvenile, and overly immature, Selfism‑based conduct and true selves, and all the egregious ignominy that stems from that, can no longer be allowed to exist in our world. If you choose to live Beyond the Pale, then you shall disappear — become invisible to Truly Decent Real and True Americans.
They shall be put in their place, like the adult-children they are and choose to be, and not allowed to come out to 'play' until they can show that they have grown enough that they can do so with at least minimal genuine kindness and caring for ALL, acceptable levels of compassion and empathy, hearts and minds embracing decency, and non‑violence toward all, in all ways. (mentally, emotionally, and physically) With Equality for ALL.
No longer will they be allowed to hide behind their FALSE Political Correctness (or their "religion") — they WILL embrace Ethical Correctness, or they will choke on it. Their iniquities shall be laid bare for all to see and find SHAME.
The collaborators shall be condemned, and banished from the face of American polite society, until they have learned their lesson. If needs be, may they all rot in Hell. Tough Love shall be the rule of the day. The Truth shall set us all free.
Resistance is becoming futile. The 2nd American Revolution, already in progress, is calling your name.
Bold action by honest, truly decent, brave, courageous, truly patriotic men and women is needed. It is time to bear our duty with courage, honor, integrity, and valor.
The Uncivil War has begun. A call to 'arms' is heralded on the battlefield of hearts, minds, and souls. Let this be our last battlefield. We will win or we are ALL DOOMED.
This shall be our Herald and Battle Cry:
You don't fuck with America, and you don't fuck with Americans.
As in Real, TRUE, Truly Patriotic Americans, not the FAKE and FALSE, Fascist, UN‑American, Anti‑Democracy, Anti‑Constitution, NON‑Patriot, Pseudo‑American Treasonous Traitors & Domestic Terrorists we are talking about, who are ugly, petty, ignorant, clueless, impotent, repugnant, reprehensible, and vile creatures and lesser beings in so many and too many ways.
That is why we have already won. Victory is ours for the taking.
Never give up, never surrender. #NGUNS
– BenedictDonaldTrump.com(the above letter is inspired by, and partly borrowed from, a speech from the TV show "Colony", with a little of this and that added, some borrowed from here and there, for good measure, wrapped in inevitability)
In regard to the Poster image below—
LOL — Wow. – Okay. —— I'm doing it!
Can't Hurt, Might Help. Spread the word, People!!!
Since no one else is really doing anything, this might be
the only thing that will save American Democracy.
THIS is what I call an October Surprise! (2023)
THE best October Surprise EVER, really.
Not quite exactly the way I would have done it, I don't think.
But close. I guess it's a mixture of Great Minds Think Alike
and Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery. Hopefully both ways.
And to think I almost missed this. It's apparently been around since August.
I don't know why I didn't see it earlier. Better late than never.
Below is a low-resolution image that links to his/her website where
you can get high-resolution images for printing.
(Roll your mouse over it for a larger more readable image)
I love the Rotten Orange on the Poster. Perfect.
There is also a video that reads the poster aloud.
Made by the same person (? / s?) who made the "Below the Law" video below. (Watch it!)
Here is TruePatriotNo1's TwitterX: @AMoose31495568
If other people aren't going to promote this video, at least I am.
As usual, WTF is wrong with people.
Thank you to whomever made it. At least you tried.
(I used your LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump image from the video in my Quoteimizer above as Fair Use)
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