Note:   It has come to our attention that:
Hyper-RINO ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trumPSYCKO &
ALL of his Hyper-RINO maga-CULT-trumpTrash ONCE-gop gQp
"republican" 'conservative' ShitMonkey PSYCHOphant Supporters,
Followers, CULT-FANatics, Admirers, Worshipers, Devotees, Groupies,
Associates, Cohorts, Minions, and Collaborators, and assorted Miscreants,
are ALL Mentally and Emotionally ILL & Deficient Sociopaths,
Fascists, Ignomites , and UNpatriotic UNamerican Anti-America
Anti-Constitution Anti-Democracy Treasonous Traitors,
Domestic Terrorists, and Racist, Sexist, & Xenophobic
White Supremacists, White Nationalists, & Neo-Neo-Nazis [sicK].
(many, if not most, are also Fanatical Xtian FundaMENTALists, as well)
Because you ARE KNOWN by the company you keep.
(as well you should be)
This also includes people who do not actively, vocally, and vociferously
speak out against ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD, et al.
They give the term Republican In Name Only (RINO) a truly nasty meaning.
A better moniker would be CULT-Republicans.
All Real & True Republicans and Conservatives DESPISE them ALL,
and feel SHAME, embarrassment, and sadness, for what has happened to
the ONCE-Grand Old Party, and America herself.
Let me be perfectly clear:
These Dunning-Kruger Effect Specimens–All,
And not enough so-called "Americans" care anymore.
Americans have LOST our Sense of Shame. (and WAY too many, Decency)
(and SO MUCH more – at this point America herself, our Democracy (for all intents and purposes), our Rule of Law, our institutions, our "Norms", our long-held values (in the ideal), and a minimal Moral Fabric, including our U.S. Constitution — and all that is merely the Tip of the Iceberg, in category and severity)
There is LITERALLY NOTHING anyone can say, or write, or find, or discover, or present, or ANYTHING like that, that will make ANY Difference or Change ANYTHING, or have ANY (positive) Effect. (and I'm pretty much using 'literally' correctly here)
GET With The Program.
You (DemLibProgs, et al.) are playing BAD, Incompetent, LOSING Baby-Child T-Ball SOFTball (Nerf/Foam), without Mitt-Gloves or Protective Gear,
in an Infinitely CORRUPT Major League HARDball GAME played by No-Rules LYING-CHEATERS with NO Sense of Decency, not even Simple Common Decency, NO Sense of Fair Play or Good Sportsmanship, and ZERO Respect for ANYTHING or ANYONE, including themselves.
And THAT is all an Understatement the likes of which one rarely experiences in Life.
Click here to see the original homepage, like that even matters anymore....


Ignomite – An Ignominious Person


There is WAY TOO MUCH Apologist BULLSHIT and Hemming and Hawing about the Ignomites, with EXTREME STUPIDITY thrown around like "Agree To Disagree", and "Can't We All Just Get Along", and "You Do You", and "We Need To Compromise", and "Don't Be Mean", and "Live and Let Live", and "Don't Paint With A Broad Brush", etc., etc., etc., Ad Infinitum, Ad Nauseam.
Since, "Not 'ALL' RepCons are magats", etc....
(but AT LEAST 50% +/- ARE, and WAY TOO MANY might as well be so, effectively, if not actually)
You CAN (and SHOULD) condemn "ALL that ARE".
(which SHOULD be interpreted as such when you see "all" or "them", because, theoretically, 'we' are not stupid, ignorant, clueless, asinine, etc...)
Note that Qualification (and Context) is Important — you don't see enough of it these Daze in people's thinking and comments.
A MAJOR part of the problem is that "we" have Lost Our Sense of Shame.
(in America, and around the World)
"THEY" are shameless. (They. DO. NOT. Care.)
MOST of THEM (or WAY TOO MANY) (seemingly) have not a shred of Simple Common Decency. (anymore)
We NEED TO and MUST call people on their (Extreme & Ignominious) BULLSHIT.
If they don't like it, they can either CHOOSE to CHANGE, or GO AWAY back into the Deep Dark Recesses of Society where they have ALWAYS lived, until the likes of
Sh!tMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trumPSYCKO, et al., emboldened them and invited them out into the light, and made them feel comfortable and safe doing so.
Now, they MUST be FORCED to Retreat back from whence they came.
One way, or another.
THAT is the True Answer and ONLY way forward.



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